Getting Started with manati

manati is a command line interface (CLI) for managing Python projects.

Create new Python projects with ready-to-go recommended project structure.

Add important files to existing projects like, .gitignore, Sphinx documentation, choose a license and more.

Run test suites, analyze test coverage and deploy to PyPi.

Even manati is managed using manati… so meta.


pip install --upgrade manati


Creating a new project

manati create -n myproject

creates a complete Python project structure inside the current working directory:

├── docs
│   ├── Makefile
│   ├──
│   ├── index.rst
│   ├── make.bat
│   └── requirements.txt
├── myproject
│   ├──
│   └──
├── .gitignore
└── tests

including sample source, tests, documentation,, local git repository and a suitable .gitignore file.

After creation, the project is already installed in development (editable) mode, so you can start coding right away.

Adding stuff to an existing project

Sometimes you have an existing project, but initially you did not choose a license, or your .gitignore is missing. You can add those special files with the manati add command.

Add a license

manati add license

where you have the choice between standard license texts like MIT, GPLv3, Apache, …

Add a .gitignore file

manati add gitignore

The created .gitignore contains all usual patterns that should typically be ignored by git in Python projects.

Add a file

manati add 

Add a project documentation folder

manati add docs

makes a ./docs folder and sets up a Sphinx-based documentation in Read-The-Docs-style:

_images/docs-small.pnggenerated docs

Call manati add --help for more information.

Add github actions

Add a standard github action which automatically runs build and tests on the github CI/CD systems whenever you push a commit:

manati add github-action

Run stuff

Run tests

manati run tests

Analyze test coverage

manati run coverage

Re-Build docs and show it browser

manati run docs

Run PEP8 style analyzer

manati run flake8

Deploy your project

To PyPi

manati deploy pypi

After that anyone in the world can install your package using pip.

As a prerequisite for deployment, you need an account at PyPi.

To Github, Gitlab, etc.

Create an empty repository at the platform of your choice, like github, and deploy your local project repository there, e.g.:

manati deploy repo

After that your local repo is in sync the remote one.

Note for Windows users

Depending on your environment settings, you may have to use manati by prepending python -m or py -m like in

python -m manati create