Deploy your project

When your code is ready to share with other Python developers, you should submit your repository to a platform like, so that people can contribute to your project. And when you want people in the world to be pip install your package, you should submit your code to the package index PyPi. Both things can be done with manati:

Usage: manati deploy [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Deploy your project.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  pypi  Deploy project to PyPi package repository.
  repo  Deploy local git repository to github, gitlab, bitbucket, etc.

Deploy to PyPi

From the root directory of your project (where the is located), type

manati deploy pypi

In the background, manati will install and update any requirements needed deployment and then build your code and create folders dist and build. Then it will upload the package to PyPi, that’s why you are asked to enter your PyPi username and password. Of course, this means that you have to have a PyPi account first, which you can register here.

If everything goes right, at the end manati prints a link to your submitted package at It is online now and can be installed with pip by anyone in the world.

So what can go wrong? In the file (if you don’t have one yet, add it with manati), you need valid values for at least some of the variables, like an email address, a URL for the project (like the github repository) and of course, the name variable should be the same as the package that you want to submit. The version variable is also crucial, because you can only upload code of a given version once. So you may have to adjust it. In any case, make sure that the name of your package is not already taken by someone else (check on

If you have set up the project structure with manati, you are already done with all settings and ready to deploy.

Deploy to github, gitlab, bitbucket, etc.

When you create a project with manati, it also creates a local git repository on your computer. You can use it as it is, but at some point, you may want to have your repository in the internet so that other people can see it, use it and maybe contribute to it. manati can help you transferring your code to one of the git-based platforms.

First thing to do: go to or or whatever and create a new EMPTY repository there. Copy the URL for your new repository. Make sure you have commited your latest code changes to the local repo and then type

manati deploy repo

manati will ask you for the repository URL and the name of the default branch (depending on the platform you use, this may be main or master). After that the code is copied to the platform and your local repository is configured to track the remote one. So as of now you can use git push and git pull to transfer changes between local and remote repositories.