Creating a new project

manati can set up a default and ready-to-go structure for Python projects that contains probably everything you need (if not, submit an issue at github :-) ).

Suppose you want to create a project named myproject. Go to the directory where you want the new project to be created and type

manati create

You will be prompted for a few questions for setting up the project (defaults in square brackets can simply be accepted by pressing ENTER):

Project name: myproject
Author [mbaer]: maroba
(Short) description []: My fancy new project
License (MIT, GPLv3, Apache, None) [None]: MIT

After that manati sets up the following directory structure:

├── docs
│   ├── Makefile
│   ├──
│   ├── index.rst
│   ├── make.bat
│   └── requirements.txt
├── myproject
│   ├──
│   └──
├── .gitignore
└── tests

The ./docs folder contains documentation for the project in Read-The-Docs style based on Python’s quasi standard Sphinx, and a first HTML version has also been built. You can watch it by opening ./docs/_build/html/index.html in your browser or, more easily by running

manati run docs

which will (re-)build the docs and open it up in a browser.

The .gitignore file that has been created contains most of the file patterns which should not be part of a git repository of Python projects.

A local git repository has also been created as you can see by typing

cd myprojects
git status

The newly created project also contains a in the project root directory, that is used for installation in development mode and also for later deployment to a package index like PyPi. You may want to adjust some settings in the file, like your email address, the project URL or maybe the intended audience classifiers. You can look up valid classifiers at PyPi.

After creation, manati has already installed it in development mode, so you can start coding and any changes will be automatically be taken into account without the need to re-import anything.

A sample code module myproject/ has been created along with a test module tests/ You can run the test suite with your favorite testing framework, for instance with the unittest framework from Python’s standard library:

python -m unittest discover tests

or alternatively with manati:

manati run tests

where you have the choice between different testing frameworks.

Creating a new project can also be done in one line by specifying the required information as options:

> manati create --help

Usage: manati create [OPTIONS]

  Create a standard Python project structure.

  By default, the project is also pip-installed for development in editable
  mode, and a local git repository is also created.

  -n, --name TEXT                 Name of the project, same as the main
                                  package.  [required]

  -G, --no-git                    Do not create git repository
  -I, --no-install                Do not pip-install in editable mode
  -a, --author TEXT
  -d, --description TEXT
  -l, --license [MIT|GPLv3|Apache|None]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.